Liviu Ornea
Alternate names L. Ornea, Liviu Ornea, Ornea Liviu
Institutions University of Bucharest, Romanian Academy
Past institutions Romanian Academy, University of Bucharest, Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes, Mersen (France) +5 more
H-index: 21
I10-index: 34
Works count: 224
Citations count: 1,479
Locally Conformal Kähler Geometry
1998 · Sorin Dragomir, Liviu Ornea · Birkhäuser Boston eBooks
Locally conformally Kähler metrics on Hopf surfaces
1998 · Paul Gauduchon, Liviu Ornea · Annales de l’institut Fourier
Structure theorem for compact Vaisman manifolds
2003 · Liviu Ornea, Misha Verbitsky · Mathematical Research Letters