Takehisa Takuma
Alternate names Takehisa Takuma, T. Takuma
Institution NTT (Japan)
Past institution NTT (Japan)
H-index: 4
I10-index: 2
Works count: 5
Citations count: 54
Multi-fractal analysis of IP-network traffic for assessing time variations in scaling properties
2006 · Masao Masugi, Takehisa Takuma · Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena
Using a Volterra system model to analyze nonlinear response in video-packet transmission over IP networks
2005 · Masao Masugi, Takehisa Takuma · Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
QoS assessment of video streams over IP networks based on monitoring transport and application layer processes at user clients
2005 · Masao Masugi, Takehisa Takuma, et al. · IEE Proceedings - Communications