Luis Álvarez
Alternate names L.. Alvarez, L. A. Alvarez, Luis León, Luisá Álvarez‐León, Luis Álvarez Álvarez +14 more
Institution Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Past institutions Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid +5 more
H-index: 29
I10-index: 72
Works count: 252
Citations count: 7,119
Image Selective Smoothing and Edge Detection by Nonlinear Diffusion. II
1992 · Luis Álvarez, Pierre-Louis Lions, et al. · SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Axioms and fundamental equations of image processing
1993 · Luis Álvarez, Fr�d�ric Guichard, et al. · Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Signal and Image Restoration Using Shock Filters and Anisotropic Diffusion
1994 · Luis Álvarez, Luis Mazorra · SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis