Rajeev Alur
Alternate names R. Alur, R ALUR, Rajeev Alur
Institution California University of Pennsylvania
Past institutions California University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia University, Microsoft Research (United Kingdom), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev +5 more
H-index: 83
I10-index: 249
Works count: 406
Citations count: 38,850
A theory of timed automata
1994 · Rajeev Alur, David L. Dill · Theoretical Computer Science
A Temporal Logic of Nested Calls and Returns
2004 · Rajeev Alur, Kousha Etessami, et al. · Lecture notes in computer science
The algorithmic analysis of hybrid systems
1995 · Rajeev Alur, Costas Courcoubetis, et al. · Theoretical Computer Science