Zeng Xianwu
Alternate names Xianwu Zeng, Xian‐Wu Zeng, Zeng Xian‐wu, Zeng Xianwu
Institution Shandong University
Past institutions Shandong University, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Ocean University of China, Wuhan University of Science and Technology
H-index: 7
I10-index: 7
Works count: 33
Citations count: 147
On the Uniqueness of the Limit Cycle of the Generalized Liénard Equation
1994 · Zeng Xianwu, Zhifen Zhang, et al. · Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Center conditions and bifurcation of limit cycles at degenerate singular points in a quintic polynomial differential system
2004 · Haibo Chen, Yirong Liu, et al. · Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
An upper bound for the amplitude of limit cycles in Liénard systems with symmetry
2015 · Yang Lijun, Zeng Xianwu · Journal of Differential Equations