Toben F. Nelson
Institution City University of Hong Kong
Past institutions City University of Hong Kong, University of Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Health, University of Minnesota System, Twin Cities Orthopedics +5 more
H-index: 40
I10-index: 94
Works count: 187
Citations count: 8,635
Trends in College Binge Drinking During a Period of Increased Prevention Efforts: Findings from 4 Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study Surveys: 1993–2001
2002 · Henry Wechsler, Jae Eun Lee, et al. · Journal of American College Health
Binge drinking and the American college students: What's five drinks?
2001 · Henry Wechsler, Toben F. Nelson · Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
What We Have Learned From the Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study: Focusing Attention on College Student Alcohol Consumption and the Environmental Conditions That Promote It
2008 · Henry Wechsler, Toben F. Nelson · Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs