Crichton Ogle
Alternate names C. Ogle, Crichton Ogle
Institution The Ohio State University
Past institutions The Ohio State University, Ohio Supercomputer Center, Osnabrück University, Rockefeller University
H-index: 6
I10-index: 4
Works count: 53
Citations count: 157
Relatively hyperbolic groups, rapid decay algebras, and a generalization of the Bass conjecture
2010 · Ronghui Ji, Crichton Ogle, et al. · Journal of Noncommutative Geometry
Polynomially bounded cohomology and discrete groups
2004 · Crichton Ogle · Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
The K�nneth formula in cyclic homology
1986 · Dan Burghelea, Crichton Ogle · Mathematische Zeitschrift