Vijaya Chalivendra
Alternate names V. Chalivendra, Vijaya B. Chalivendra, V. B. Chalivendra, Vijaya Bhaskar Chalivendra, Vijaya Chalivendra
Institution University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Past institutions University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, California Institute of Technology, University of Rhode Island
H-index: 26
I10-index: 64
Works count: 131
Citations count: 1,990
Dynamic Behavior of Materials
2012 · Kathryn A. Dannemann, Vijaya Chalivendra, et al. · Experimental Mechanics
Fracture and impact characterization of novel auxetic Kevlar®/Epoxy laminated composites
2017 · Sen Yang, Vijaya Chalivendra, et al. · Composite Structures
Effect of surface treatment and Z-axis reinforcement on the interlaminar fracture of jute/epoxy laminated composites
2013 · Michael A. Pinto, Vijaya Chalivendra, et al. · Engineering Fracture Mechanics