Ernesto Contreras
Alternate names Ernesto Contreras, E. Yllera contreras, E. Contreras
Institution University of Alicante
Past institutions University of Alicante, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Universidad Yachay Tech, University of Antofagasta, Universidad de Los Andes +5 more
H-index: 30
I10-index: 51
Works count: 142
Citations count: 2,357
Isotropization and change of complexity by gravitational decoupling
2019 · Roberto Casadio, Ernesto Contreras, et al. · The European Physical Journal C
Hairy black holes by gravitational decoupling
2020 · Jorge Ovalle, Roberto Casadio, et al. · Physics of the Dark Universe
Gravitational decoupling for axially symmetric systems and rotating black holes
2021 · Ernesto Contreras, Jorge Ovalle, et al. · Physical review. D/Physical review. D.