А. Н. Петров
Alternate names Alexander Nikolaevich Petrov, А. Н. Петров, N. PETROV, Petrov A.N. Petrov A.N., A. N. Petrov +3 more
Institution Lomonosov Moscow State University
Past institutions Lomonosov Moscow State University, Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, University of Missouri, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow State University +2 more
H-index: 14
I10-index: 19
Works count: 102
Citations count: 637
Exact theory of the (Einstein) gravitational field in an arbitrary background space-time
1984 · L. P. Grishchuk, А. Н. Петров, et al. · Communications in Mathematical Physics
Conserved currents, superpotentials and cosmological perturbations
2002 · А. Н. Петров, Joseph Katz · Proceedings of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Relativistic Conservation Laws on Curved Backgrounds and the Theory of Cosmological Perturbations
1999 · А. Н. Петров, Jonathan L. Katz · arXiv (Cornell University)