А. И. Сухинов
Alternate names Alexander Sukhinov, Alexander I. Sukhinov, Aleksandr Sukhinov, Aleksandr I. Sukhinov, A. Sukhinov +9 more
Past institutions Don State Technical University, Institute of Service and Entrepreneurship of DGTU, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov State University of Economics, Southern Federal University +4 more
H-index: 17
I10-index: 34
Works count: 213
Citations count: 1,243
Numerical realization of the three-dimensional model of hydrodynamics for shallow water basins on a high-performance system
2011 · А. И. Сухинов, А. E. Chistyakov, et al. · Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
Adaptive modified alternating triangular iterative method for solving grid equations with a non-self-adjoint operator
2012 · А. И. Сухинов, А. E. Chistyakov · Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
Optimal control of sustainable development in the biological rehabilitation of the Azov Sea
2017 · А. В. Никитина, А. И. Сухинов, et al. · Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations