Dang Tuan Hiep
Alternate name Dang Tuan Hiep
Institution Dalat University
Past institutions Dalat University, National Taiwan University, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Duy Tan University, Ton Duc Thang University +1 more
H-index: 4
Works count: 29
Citations count: 30
On the degree of Fano schemes of linear subspaces on hypersurfaces
2016 · Dang Tuan Hiep · Kodai Mathematical Journal
Identities involving (doubly) symmetric polynomials and integrals over Grassmannians
2019 · Dang Tuan Hiep · Fundamenta Mathematicae
An identity involving symmetric polynomials and the geometry of Lagrangian Grassmannians
2020 · Dang Tuan Hiep, Nguyen Chanh Tu · Journal of Algebra