Б. С. Мерзликин
Alternate names Boris Merzlikin, Б. С. Мерзликин, B. S. Merzlikin, B. Merzlikin, Boris S. Merzlikin
Past institutions Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio-Electronics, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
H-index: 12
I10-index: 14
Works count: 62
Citations count: 374
One-loop divergences in 6D, N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = (1, 0) SYM theory
2017 · I. L. Buchbinder, Evgeny Ivanov, et al. · Journal of High Energy Physics
Photolysis of diatomic molecules as a source of atoms in planetary exospheres
2019 · Rashid R. Valiev, A. A. Berezhnoy, et al. · Astronomy and Astrophysics
One-loop divergences in the 6D, N=(1,0) abelian gauge theory
2016 · I. L. Buchbinder, Evgeny Ivanov, et al. · Physics Letters B