A. Ceylan Çöken
Alternate names A.C. Cöken, A. C. Coken, A. Ceylan Coken, A. Ceylan Cöken, Abdilkadir Ceylan Çöken +4 more
Institution Akdeniz University
Past institutions Akdeniz University, Süleyman Demirel University, Akdeniz University Hospital, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Suleyman Demirel University
H-index: 9
I10-index: 8
Works count: 41
Citations count: 280
On the quaternionic inclined curves in the semi-Euclidean space E24
2003 · A. Ceylan Çöken, Abide Tuna · Applied Mathematics and Computation
On the Cartan Curvatures of a Null Curve in Minkowski Spacetime
2005 · A. Ceylan Çöken, Ünver Çiftçi · Geometriae Dedicata
On Rectifying Dual Space Curves
2007 · Ahmet Yücesan, Nihat Ayyıldız, et al. · Revista Matemática Complutense