Stamatis Dostoglou
Alternate names Stamatis Dostoglou, S. Dostoglou, Stamatis A. Dostoglou
Institution University of Missouri
Past institutions University of Missouri, University of Warwick
H-index: 8
I10-index: 8
Works count: 32
Citations count: 402
Self-Dual Instantons and Holomorphic Curves
1994 · Stamatis Dostoglou, Dietmar Salamon · Annals of Mathematics
Instanton homology and symplectic xed points
1992 · Stamatis Dostoglou, Dietmar Salamon
Assessment of the impact of the planetary scale on the decay of blocking and the use of phase diagrams and enstrophy as a diagnostic
2007 · Anthony R. Lupo, И. И. Мохов, et al. · Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics