Á. S. de Jesus
Alternate names A. S. de JESUS, A. S. de Jesus, Álvaro S. de Jesus, Alvaro S. de Jesus, Á. S. de Jesus +2 more
Institution Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Past institutions Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Universidad Andrés Bello, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Federal University of São João del-Rei
H-index: 6
I10-index: 4
Works count: 21
Citations count: 107
Vectorlike leptons and inert scalar triplet: Lepton flavor violation, g−2 , and collider searches
2020 · Á. S. de Jesus, Sergey Kovalenko, et al. · Physical review. D/Physical review. D.
Dead or alive? Implications of the muon anomalous magnetic moment for 3-3-1 models
2020 · Á. S. de Jesus, Sergey Kovalenko, et al. · Physics Letters B
A 2HDM for the g-2 and dark matter
2022 · Giorgio Arcadi, Á. S. de Jesus, et al. · Nuclear Physics B