Matthias Lesch
Alternate names Matthias Lesch, M. Lesch
Institution University of Bonn
Past institutions University of Bonn, Technical University of Munich, University of Colorado System, The Ohio State University, Goethe University Frankfurt +5 more
H-index: 24
I10-index: 49
Works count: 104
Citations count: 1,979
Operators of Fuchs type, conical singularities, and asymptotic methods
1997 · Matthias Lesch · B. G. Teubner eBooks
On the deficiency indices and self-adjointness of symmetric Hamiltonian systems
2003 · Matthias Lesch, M. M. Malamud · Journal of Differential Equations
Hilbert complexes
1992 · Ning Ju-hong, Matthias Lesch · Journal of Functional Analysis