Soonkeon Nam
Alternate names Soonkeon Nam, S Nam, S.W. Nam, S.‐W. Nam
Institution Kyung Hee University
Past institutions Kyung Hee University, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Institute for Basic Science, Pusan National University, Korea Railroad Research Institute +5 more
H-index: 18
I10-index: 33
Works count: 108
Citations count: 1,023
The Kac formula for the N = 1 and the N = 2 super-conformal algebras
1986 · Soonkeon Nam · Physics Letters B
Area spectra of the rotating BTZ black hole from quasinormal modes
2010 · Yongjoon Kwon, Soonkeon Nam · Classical and Quantum Gravity
Bogomol'nyi equations of Chern-Simons Higgs theory from a generalized abelian Higgs model
1991 · Joohan Lee, Soonkeon Nam · Physics Letters B