А. В. Порубов
Alternate names Alexei V. Porubov, А. В. Порубов, Alexey Porubov, A. V. Porubov, Alexey V. Porubov +1 more
Institution Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering
Past institutions Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St Petersburg University, State Optical Institute named after SI Vavilov, Ioffe Institute +5 more
H-index: 22
I10-index: 44
Works count: 134
Citations count: 1,670
Amplification of Nonlinear Strain Waves in Solids
2003 · А. В. Порубов · Series on stability, vibration and control of systems - Series A
Periodical solution to the nonlinear dissipative equation for surface waves in a convecting liquid layer
1996 · А. В. Порубов · Physics Letters A
Some general periodic solutions to coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations
1999 · А. В. Порубов, D. F. Parker · Wave Motion