Rohan Pitchford
Alternate names Rohan Pitchford, R. L. Pitchford, R. Pitchford
Institution Australian National University
Past institutions Australian National University, University of California, Los Angeles, National Bureau of Economic Research, The University of Sydney
H-index: 14
I10-index: 17
Works count: 55
Citations count: 664
Holdouts in Sovereign Debt Restructuring: A Theory of Negotiation in a Weak Contractual Environment
2011 · Rohan Pitchford, Mark L. J. Wright · The Review of Economic Studies
A model of seller holdout
2004 · Flávio M. Menezes, Rohan Pitchford · Economic Theory
Moral hazard and limited liability: The real effects of contract bargaining
1998 · Rohan Pitchford · Economics Letters