E. M. Novikova
Alternate names Elena Novikova, E. Novikova, Elena Mikhailovna Novikova, Елена Михайловна Новикова, Elena M Novikova +2 more
Past institutions National Research University Higher School of Economics, Federal Medical-Biological Agency, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics +1 more
H-index: 9
I10-index: 10
Works count: 48
Citations count: 251
Representation of exact and semiclassical eigenfunctions via coherent states. Hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
1996 · M. V. Karasev, E. M. Novikova · Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Представление точных и квазиклассических собственных функций через когерентные состояния. Атом водорода в магнитном поле
1996 · Михаил Владимирович Карасев, M. V. Karasev, et al. · Теоретическая и математическая физика
Non-Lie permutation relations, coherent states, and quantum embedding
1998 · Mikhail Karasev, E. M. Novikova · Translations - American Mathematical Society/Translations