Ilaria Del Corso
Alternate names I. Del Corso, I. Delcorso, Ilaria Del Corso
Institution University of Pisa
Past institutions University of Pisa, Fondazione Stella Maris, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore
H-index: 7
I10-index: 5
Works count: 59
Citations count: 133
Hopf-Galois structures on extensions of degree p2q and skew braces of order p2q: The cyclic Sylow p-subgroup case
2020 · E. Campedel, A. Caranti, et al. · Journal of Algebra
On Fuchs' Problem about the group of units of a ring
2018 · Ilaria Del Corso, Roberto Dvornicich · Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Normal integral bases for cyclic Kummer extensions
2009 · Ilaria Del Corso, Lorenzo Rossi · Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra