Claire Levaillant
Alternate names Claire I. Levaillant, Claire Levaillant, Claire Isabelle Levaillant
Institution University of Southern California
Past institutions University of Southern California, University of California, Santa Barbara, Délégation Paris 6, California Institute of Technology
H-index: 5
I10-index: 1
Works count: 54
Citations count: 121
Universal gates via fusion and measurement operations onSU(2)4anyons
2015 · Claire Levaillant, Bela Bauer, et al. · Physical Review A
The Freedman group: a physical interpretation for theSU(3)-subgroupD(18, 1, 1; 2, 1, 1) of order 648
2014 · Claire Levaillant · Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical
Irreducibility of the Lawrence–Krammer representation of the BMW algebra of type An−1
2008 · Claire Levaillant · Comptes Rendus Mathématique