Alexandra Macmillan
Alternate names Alexandra K. Macmillan, Alex K. Macmillan, A. Macmillan, Alex Macmillan, A. K. Macmillan +2 more
Institutions University College London, University of Otago
Past institutions University College London, University of Otago, University of Cambridge, University of Auckland, UNSW Sydney +5 more
H-index: 25
I10-index: 42
Works count: 127
Citations count: 2,912
Systematic literature review of built environment effects on physical activity and active transport – an update and new findings on health equity
2017 · Melody Smith, Jamie Hosking, et al. · International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
The Prevalence of Fecal Incontinence in Community-Dwelling Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature
2004 · Alexandra Macmillan, Arend E. H. Merrie, et al. · Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
Moving urban trips from cars to bicycles: impact on health and emissions
2010 · Graeme Lindsay, Alexandra Macmillan, et al. · Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health