Frederica Perera
Alternate names F. Perera, Frederica Perera
Institutions Columbia University, Center for Children
Past institutions Columbia University, Center for Children, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Southwest Research Institute, University of the Andes
H-index: 6
I10-index: 5
Works count: 25
Citations count: 200
Prenatal low-level lead exposure and developmental delay of infants at age 6 months (Krakow inner city study)
2007 · Wiesław Jędrychowski, Frederica Perera, et al. · International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Wheezing and asthma may be enhanced by broad spectrum antibiotics used in early childhood. Concept and results of a pharmacoepidemiology study.
2011 · Wiesław Jędrychowski, Frederica Perera, et al. · PubMed
Platinum-DNA adducts assayed in leukocytes of patients with germ cell tumors measured by atomic absorbance spectrometry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
1994 · Robert J. Motzer, Eddie Reed, et al. · Cancer