Alessandro Palmeri
Alternate names A. Palmeri, Alessandro Palmeri
Institution Loughborough University
Past institutions Loughborough University, Polytechnic University of Turin, University of Birmingham, E.ON (United Kingdom), University of Bradford +5 more
H-index: 20
I10-index: 39
Works count: 106
Citations count: 1,426
A Galerkin-type state-space approach for transverse vibrations of slender double-beam systems with viscoelastic inner layer
2011 · Alessandro Palmeri, Sondipon Adhikari · Journal of Sound and Vibration
Impairment of cell and plasma redox state in subjects professionally exposed to chromium
2004 · Giancarlo De Mattia, Maria Cristina Bravi, et al. · American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Response of beams resting on viscoelastically damped foundation to moving oscillators
2006 · Giuseppe Muscolino, Alessandro Palmeri · International Journal of Solids and Structures