Eugène Pascal Binam Mandeng
Alternate names Eugene Pascal Binam Mandeng, E.P. Binam Mandeng, Eugène Pascal Binam Mandeng
Past institutions Université de Yaoundé I, Institut de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
H-index: 4
I10-index: 3
Works count: 9
Citations count: 141
Contamination and risk assessment of heavy metals, and uranium of sediments in two watersheds in Abiete-Toko gold district, Southern Cameroon
2019 · Eugène Pascal Binam Mandeng, Louise Marie Bondjè Bidjeck, et al. · Heliyon
Lithologic and structural mapping of the Abiete–Toko gold district in southern Cameroon, using Landsat 7 ETM+/SRTM
2018 · Eugène Pascal Binam Mandeng, Louise Marie Bondjè Bidjeck, et al. · Comptes Rendus Géoscience
Integration of Landsat 8, gravity, and field data for exploration of gold mineralization in Gamba District, Northern Cameroon
2021 · Yanick Blaise Ketchaya, Guochen Dong, et al. · Geological Journal