Soledad Torres
Alternate names S. Torres, Soledad Torres Torres Guijarro, Soledad Torres Guijarro, A TORRES‐GUIJARRO, Soledad Torres‐Guijarro +5 more
Institution Universidade de Vigo
Past institutions University of Valparaíso, Universidade de Vigo, Universidad de La Frontera, University of Southampton, Valparaiso University +5 more
H-index: 13
I10-index: 17
Works count: 128
Citations count: 880
ShipsEar: An underwater vessel noise database
2016 · David SANTOS-DOMíNGUEZ, Soledad Torres, et al. · Applied Acoustics
Reliability-Informed Beat Tracking of Musical Signals
2011 · Norberto Degara, Enrique Argones Rúa, et al. · IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
Principles: Mechanisms and modeling of synergism in cellular responses
2005 · Nelson P. Barrera, Bernardo Morales, et al. · Trends in Pharmacological Sciences