Eduardo Fernández
Alternate names E. Guinaldo Fernández, Eduardo Fernández, E. Fernández, Eduardo Fernandez, Eduardo Felipe Fern´´andez Sánchez +1 more
Institution University of Liège
Past institutions University of Liège, Airbus (India), University of Concepción, Florida A&M University - Florida State University College of Engineering
H-index: 9
I10-index: 9
Works count: 35
Citations count: 280
Imposing minimum and maximum member size, minimum cavity size, and minimum separation distance between solid members in topology optimization
2020 · Eduardo Fernández, Kaike Yang, et al. · Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Influence of aramid fibers on the mechanical behavior of a hybrid carbon–aramid–reinforced epoxy composite
2015 · Gonzalo Pincheira, Cristian Canales, et al. · Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L Journal of Materials Design and Applications
An aggregation strategy of maximum size constraints in density-based topology optimization
2019 · Eduardo Fernández, Maxime Collet, et al. · Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization