Frédéric Meunier
Alternate names F. Meunier, Frederic Meunier, Frédéric Meunier
Institutions École nationale des ponts et chaussées, CERMICS
Past institutions CERMICS, École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Délégation Paris 5, University of Maryland, College Park, John Wiley & Sons (United States) +5 more
H-index: 19
I10-index: 39
Works count: 178
Citations count: 2,470
HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm
2007 · Philippe Flajolet, Éric Fusy, et al. · Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
Bike sharing systems: Solving the static rebalancing problem
2012 · Daniel S. Chemla, Frédéric Meunier, et al. · Discrete Optimization
Balancing the stations of a self service “bike hire” system
2011 · Mike Benchimol, Pascal Benchimol, et al. · RAIRO - Operations Research