Xiaowei Xue
Alternate names Xiaowei Xue, X. W. Xue, Xiao‐Wei Xue
Institution Fudan University
Past institutions National Health and Family Planning Commission, Fudan University, Zhongshan Hospital, Harbin Medical University, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College +5 more
H-index: 11
I10-index: 12
Works count: 31
Citations count: 687
Association between ambient fine particulate matter and preterm birth or term low birth weight: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis
2017 · Xiangyu Li, Shuqiong Huang, et al. · Environmental Pollution
Associations of long-term exposure to PM1, PM2.5, NO2 with type 2 diabetes mellitus prevalence and fasting blood glucose levels in Chinese rural populations
2019 · Feifei Liu, Yuming Guo, et al. · Environment International
Fine and coarse particulate air pollution and hospital admissions for a wide range of respiratory diseases: a nationwide case-crossover study
2023 · Jian Lei, Renjie Chen, et al. · International Journal of Epidemiology