Joaquim Lloverás
Alternate names Joaquim Pallisera Lloveras, Joaquim Lloveras, Joaquim Lloverás
Past institutions Institute for Research and Technology in Food and Agriculture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
H-index: 9
I10-index: 9
Works count: 56
Citations count: 333
Three-dimensional tactile symbols produced by 3D Printing: Improving the process of memorizing a tactile map key
2014 · Jaume Gual Ortí, Marina Puyuelo Cazorla, et al. · British Journal of Visual Impairment
The effect of volumetric (3D) tactile symbols within inclusive tactile maps
2014 · Jaume Gual Ortí, Marina Puyuelo Cazorla, et al. · Applied Ergonomics
Development of an AI-based Rapid Manufacturing Advice System
2009 · Javier Munguía, Joaquim Lloverás, et al. · International Journal of Production Research