Phoolan Prasad
Alternate name Phoolan Prasad
Institution Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Past institutions Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, KU Leuven, Harish-Chandra Research Institute
H-index: 10
I10-index: 13
Works count: 35
Citations count: 258
Transonic flow of a fluid with positive and negative nonlinearity through a nozzle
1991 · Divya Chandrasekar, Phoolan Prasad · Physics of Fluids A Fluid Dynamics
A new theory of shock dynamics part I: analytic considerations
1990 · R. Ravindran, Phoolan Prasad · Applied Mathematics Letters
Propagation of curved shock fronts using shock ray theory and comparison with other theories
2005 · S. Baskar, Phoolan Prasad · Journal of Fluid Mechanics