A. Pineau
Alternate names Andre Pineau, A. Pineau, Andre ́ Pineau, A. G. Pineau, André Pineau
Institution École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris
Past institutions École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre des Matériaux, ParisTech, National Academy Foundation +4 more
H-index: 49
I10-index: 112
Works count: 268
Citations count: 9,010
A local criterion for cleavage fracture of a nuclear pressure vessel steel
1983 · F. M. Beremin, A. Pineau, et al. · Metallurgical Transactions A
Morphology of y’ and y” precipitates and thermal stability of inconel 718 type alloys
1973 · R. Cozar, A. Pineau · Metallurgical Transactions
High temperature fatigue of nickel-base superalloys – A review with special emphasis on deformation modes and oxidation
2009 · A. Pineau, Stephen D. Antolovich · Engineering Failure Analysis