Charalambos Charitos
Alternate names C. Charitos, Charalambos Charitos
Institution Agricultural University of Athens
Past institutions Agricultural University of Athens, University of the Aegean, University of Crete
H-index: 4
Works count: 16
Citations count: 37
Complexity of geodesics on 2-dimensional ideal polyhedra and isotopies
1997 · Charalambos Charitos, Georgios Tsapogas · Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
On the homeomorphisms of the space of geodesic laminations on a hyperbolic surface
2014 · Charalambos Charitos, Ioannis Papadoperakis, et al. · Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Geodesic Flow on Ideal Polyhedra
1997 · Charalambos Charitos, Georgios Tsapogas · Canadian Journal of Mathematics