H.‐B. Mühlhaus
Alternate names H. ‐B. Mühlhaus, H. Muhlhaus, Hans‐Bernd Muhlhaus, H. ‐B. Muhlhaus, H. B. Muhlhaus +7 more
Past institutions Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, The University of Queensland, Environmental Earth Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Institute of Mining +5 more
H-index: 38
I10-index: 93
Works count: 200
Citations count: 7,943
Gradient‐dependent plasticity: Formulation and algorithmic aspects
1992 · René de Borst, H.‐B. Mühlhaus · International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
The thickness of shear bands in granular materials
1987 · H.‐B. Mühlhaus, I. Vardoulakis · Géotechnique
A variational principle for gradient plasticity
1991 · H.‐B. Mühlhaus, Elias C. Alfantis · International Journal of Solids and Structures