Juriaan Simonis
Alternate names J. C. Simonis, Juriaan Simonis, J. Simonis
Institution Delft University of Technology
Past institutions Delft University of Technology, Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Cornell University, Utrecht University, Karlsruhe University of Education +5 more
H-index: 14
I10-index: 20
Works count: 55
Citations count: 685
Codes and Projective Multisets
1998 · S.M. Dodunekov, Juriaan Simonis · The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
1998 · Juriaan Simonis, Alexei Ashikhmin · Designs Codes and Cryptography
The effective length of subcodes
1994 · Juriaan Simonis · Applicable Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing