Anagh Lal
Alternate names A. Lal, A. Hussain Lal, Anagh Lal
Institution National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
H-index: 3
I10-index: 2
Works count: 11
Citations count: 43
Neighborhood interchangeability and dynamic bundling for non-binary finite CSPs
2005 · Anagh Lal, Berthe Y. Choueiry, et al. · National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
A real-time model for the robotic highway safety marker system
2004 · Jiazheng Shi, Steve Goddard, et al.
Constraint Processing Techniques for Improving Join Computation: A Proof of Concept
2004 · Anagh Lal, Berthe Y. Choueiry · Lecture notes in computer science