Francis Y. L. Chin
Alternate names Francis Y. L. Chin, Francis Y.‐L. Chin, Francis Y. Chin
Institution University of Hong Kong
Past institutions University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, University of Alberta, University of California, San Diego
H-index: 18
I10-index: 40
Works count: 96
Citations count: 2,031
Improved On-Line Broadcast Scheduling with Deadlines
2006 · Feifeng Zheng, Stanley P. Y. Fung, et al. · Lecture notes in computer science
Packing squares into a square
1990 · Joseph Y.‐T. Leung, T.W. Tam, et al. · Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
Online Scheduling with Partial Job Values: Does Timesharing or Randomization Help?
2003 · Francis Y. L. Chin, Stanley P. Y. Fung · Algorithmica