S.Y. Mao
Alternate names Shaokun Mao, S.Y Mao, S. Y. Mao
Institution City University of Hong Kong
Past institution City University of Hong Kong
H-index: 5
I10-index: 3
Works count: 6
Citations count: 115
Assessment of Radionuclide Contents in Food in Hong Kong
1999 · K.N. Yu, S.Y. Mao · Health Physics
A study of radioactivities in six types of fish consumed in Hong Kong
1997 · K.N. Yu, S.Y. Mao, et al. · Applied Radiation and Isotopes
Application of high resolution gamma ray spectrometry in measuring radioactivities in drinks in Hong Kong
1994 · K.N. Yu, S.Y. Mao · Applied Radiation and Isotopes