Saint-Gobain (France)
Child institutions Ceramic Synthesis and Functionalization Laboratory, GCP Applied Technologies (United States), LINK - Laboratory for Innovative Key Materials and Structures, Saint-Gobain (Canada), Saint-Gobain (Czechia) +4 more
ROR: Yes
Works count: 3,914
Citations count: 74,430
scikit-image: image processing in Python
2014 · Stéfan van der Walt, Johannes L. Schönberger, et al. · PeerJ
Organizational Innovation: The Influence of Individual, Organizational, and Contextual Factors on Hospital Adoption of Technological and Administrative Innovations.
1981 · John R. Kimberly, Michael J. Evanisko · Academy of Management Journal
Quantitative measurement of displacement and strain fields from HREM micrographs
1998 · Martin Hÿtch, E. Snoeck, et al. · Ultramicroscopy