Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
Alternate names そりゅうしげんしかくけんきゅうしょ, KEK Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, Soryushigen Shikaku Kenkyusho, 素粒子原子核研究所, ソリュウシゲンシカクケンキュウショ +3 more
Parent institution High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
ROR: Yes
Works count: 1,116
Citations count: 29,310
Indications of Neutrino Oscillation in a 250 km Long-Baseline Experiment
2003 · Myunggeun Ahn, S. Aoki, et al. · Physical Review Letters
The Japanese space gravitational wave antenna: DECIGO
2011 · Seiji Kawamura, Masaki Ando, et al. · Classical and Quantum Gravity
Combination of measurements of inclusive deep inelastic $${e^{\pm }p}$$ e ± p scattering cross sections and QCD analysis of HERA data
2015 · H. Abramowicz, I. Abt, et al. · The European Physical Journal C