Optoelectronics Instrumentation and Data Processing
ISSNs 1934-7944, 8756-6990
Source type: journal
Publisher: Pleiades Publishing
Fully open access: No
2yr mean citedness: 0.506
H-index: 21
I10-index: 112
Works count: 1,300
Citations count: 4,820
Silicon diffractive optical elements for high-power monochromatic terahertz radiation
2013 · А. Н. Агафонов, Б. О. Володкин, et al. · Optoelectronics Instrumentation and Data Processing
Optoelectronic system for mobile robot navigation
2010 · Oleg Sergiyenko · Optoelectronics Instrumentation and Data Processing
Development of methods and instruments for optical ellipsometry at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2011 · Е. В. Спесивцев, С. В. Рыхлицкий, et al. · Optoelectronics Instrumentation and Data Processing