Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research
ISSNs 2038-324X, 2279-7084
Source type: journal
Publisher: PAGEPress (Italy)
Fully open access: Yes
In DOAJ: Yes
Article Processing Charge: $269
2yr mean citedness: 0.235
H-index: 18
I10-index: 55
Works count: 258
Citations count: 1,785
Heleniella helvetica sp. n., a cold stenothermic species inhabiting the upper Rhône catchment in central Switzerland [Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae]
2016 · Joel Moubayed-Breil, Brigitte Lods‐Crozet · Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research
A review of Spinosyns, a derivative of biological acting substances as a class of insecticides with a broad range of action against many insect pests
2016 · Leandro Bacci, D. Lupi, et al. · Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research
A review of sulfoxaflor, a derivative of biological acting substances as a class of insecticides with a broad range of action against many insect pests
2018 · L. Bacci, Stefano Convertini, et al. · Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research