Journal of Spectral Theory
ISSNs 1664-039X, 1664-0403
Source type: journal
Publisher: European Mathematical Society
Fully open access: Yes
In DOAJ: Yes
2yr mean citedness: 0.678
H-index: 27
I10-index: 157
Works count: 417
Citations count: 4,330
Spectral geometry of the Steklov problem (Survey article)
2017 · Alexandre Girouard, Iosif Polterovich · Journal of Spectral Theory
Laplacians on infinite graphs: Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
2012 · Sebastian Haeseler, Matthias Keller, et al. · Journal of Spectral Theory
A graph discretization of the Laplace–Beltrami operator
2015 · Dmitri Burago, S. V. Ivanov, et al. · Journal of Spectral Theory