Magnetic Properties and Applications
Description: This cluster of papers focuses on the study of magnetostrictive properties, hysteresis modeling, and applications of magnetostrictive materials, particularly in Fe-Ga and Galfenol alloys. It also expl... more
Related topics (siblings) Copper Interconnects and Reliability, Crystal Structures and Properties, Electromagnetic wave absorption materials, Ga2O3 and related materials, Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis and Applications +11 more
Subfield (parent): Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Field: Materials Science
Domain: Physical Sciences
Works count: 66,500
Citations count: 644,100
A mechanism of magnetic hysteresis in heterogeneous alloys
1948 · Edmund C. Stoner, E.P. Wohlfarth · Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Beitrag zur Theorie des Ferromagnetismus
1925 · Ernst Ising · Zeitschrift für Physik
A Theory of Metallic Ferro- and Antiferromagnetism on Zener's Model
1956 · T. Kasuya · Progress of Theoretical Physics