Tree-ring climate responses
Description: This cluster of papers explores the causes and impacts of climate change over the past millennia, focusing on temperature variability, tree ring analysis, historical climate reconstructions, extreme e... more
Related topics (siblings) Arctic and Antarctic ice dynamics, Atmospheric chemistry and aerosols, Atmospheric Ozone and Climate, Climate change and permafrost, Cryospheric studies and observations +7 more
Subfield (parent): Atmospheric Science
Field: Earth and Planetary Sciences
Domain: Physical Sciences
Works count: 28,100
Citations count: 688,100
Tree Rings and Climate
1978 · Raymond S. Bradley, Harold C. Fritts · Arctic and Alpine Research
An Introduction to Tree-Ring Dating
1996 · Marvin A. Stokes, Terah L. Smiley
On the Average Value of Correlated Time Series, with Applications in Dendroclimatology and Hydrometeorology
1984 · T. M. L. Wigley, Keith R. Briffa, et al. · Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology