Various Chemistry Research Topics
Description: This cluster of papers focuses on innovations in chemistry education and laboratory techniques, including the use of virtual laboratories, primary literature, light-emitting diodes, smartphone applica... more
Related topics (siblings) Advanced Physical and Chemical Molecular Interactions, Chemical Reactions and Mechanisms, Crystallography and molecular interactions, Electrostatics and Colloid Interactions, History and advancements in chemistry +2 more
Subfield (parent): Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Field: Chemistry
Domain: Physical Sciences
Works count: 152,200
Citations count: 1,702,000
Intermolecular and Surface Forces
2011 · Jacob N. Israelachvili · Elsevier eBooks
Self—Consistent Molecular Orbital Methods. XII. Further Extensions of Gaussian—Type Basis Sets for Use in Molecular Orbital Studies of Organic Molecules
1972 · Warren J. Hehre, R. Ditchfield, et al. · The Journal of Chemical Physics