Elder Abuse and Neglect
Description: This cluster of papers focuses on the prevalence, correlates, risk factors, and impact of elder abuse and neglect, including financial exploitation, in community and institutional settings. It also ex... more
Related topics (siblings) Agricultural and Environmental Management, Culture, Economy, and Development Studies, Cyberloafing and Workplace Behavior, Diaspora, migration, transnational identity, Education and Work Dynamics +21 more
Subfield (parent): Demography
Field: Social Sciences
Domain: Social Sciences
Works count: 20,110
Citations count: 159,900
The World Report on Ageing and Health
2016 · John Beard, Alana Officer, et al. · The Gerontologist
Prevalence and Correlates of Emotional, Physical, Sexual, and Financial Abuse and Potential Neglect in the United States: The National Elder Mistreatment Study
2009 · Ron Acierno, M.A. Hernández, et al. · American Journal of Public Health
Immune neglect: A source of durability bias in affective forecasting.
1998 · Daniel T. Gilbert, Elizabeth C. Pinel, et al. · Journal of Personality and Social Psychology