Psychoanalysis and Social Critique
Description: This cluster of papers covers a wide range of topics including psychoanalysis, social theory, religion, gender studies, philosophy, ethics, sociology, literature analysis, political science, and histo... more
Related topics (siblings) Afro-Latin American Studies, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Argentine historical studies, Arts, Culture, and Music Studies, Asian American and Pacific Histories +32 more
Subfield (parent): Cultural Studies
Field: Social Sciences
Domain: Social Sciences
Works count: 50,960
Citations count: 135,800
Civilization and Its Discontents
2018 · Sigmund Freud · Princeton University Press eBooks
Transitional objects and transitional phenomena 1 —a study of the first not-me possession 2
2018 · Donald W. Winnicott · Routledge eBooks
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
1923 · G. Stanley Hall, Sophie Freud, et al. · The American Journal of Psychology